Our capabilities

Modern CNC machining

  • Our state-of-the-art CNC machines are equipped to handle a wide range of tasks, including complex milling and turning, with capabilities up to 1.6 meters in diameter and casting dimensions of 4x3 meters.

Shot peening and surface treatments

  • We provide specialised surface treatments such as shot peening, as well as advanced coatings like Silvershadow and Diamondshield, to enhance the durability and performance of our moulds.

Custom clamping systems

  • We have developed and patented our own clamping systems, which are designed to ensure precise and reliable mould closures, making the moulding process more efficient and automated.

Direct moulding of holes

  • Our unique isolation materials allow for direct moulding of holes, eliminating the need for post-processing and ensuring a more streamlined production process.

Surface hardening

  • We offer comprehensive surface hardening services to increase the wear resistance and longevity of the moulds, to ensure they can withstand the rigors of industrial use.

In-house spraying facilities

  • Our dedicated spraying cabins are equipped to apply various coatings and finishes, providing additional protection and ensuring the highest quality standards for the final product. 

Companies we work for